Faith That is Dead

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

There is so much confusion about faith. Most people seem to believe that their amount of faith is enough to be considered “right before God.”

However, if we get the foundation of faith wrong, our eternal destiny could be hanging in the balance. There is no greater topic that we could deal with than this eternal issue of faith. In fact, the Bible speaks so much about faith that it seems it is something you cannot have enough of. After all, a sinner is saved by faith and, therefore, it is a big deal. Yet at the same time, the Bible says that if a person has the faith of only a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Go there,” and it will be so.

But here are some greater questions: What if a person does not feel like they have the faith needed to make it to heaven? What if I know my sins and they are great? What if I don’t feel like a believer? What if a person says, “My faith with God is between me and Him and it is none of your business?”

This passage speaks directly to the heart of these good questions.


Dead Faith (2:14-17)

  • Even in the early church there were those who claimed they had saving faith, yet did not possess salvation. Where there is truth, you will also find counterfeit. Jesus warned, “Not everyone that says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Mt. 7:21)

  • People with dead faith substitute words for deeds. They know the correct vocabulary for prayer and testimony and can even quote the right verses from the Bible, but their walk does not measure up to their talk. They think that their words are as good as works, and they are wrong.

  • James gives an illustration of a poor believer who came into a fellowship without proper clothing and in need of food. The person with dead faith noticed the visitor and saw his needs, but he did not do anything to meet the needs. All he did was say a few pious words? “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed.” (James 2:16) But the visitor went away as hungry and naked as when he came in.

  • As believers, we have an obligation to help meet the needs of people, no matter who they may be.

  • To help a person in need is an expression of love, and faith works by love (Galatians 5:6).

  • The question in James 2:14 should read, “Can that kind of faith save him?” What kind? The kind of faith that is never seen in practical works. The answer in no! Any declaration of faith that does not result in a changed life and good works is a false declaration. That kind of faith is dead faith. “Even so faith if it has no works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:17)

  • The person with dead faith has only an intellectual experience. In their mind, they know the doctrines of salvation, but they have never submitted themselves to God and trusted Christ for salvation. They know the right words, but they do not back up their words with works. Faith in Christ brings life (John 3:16), and where there is life there must be growth and fruit.

  • Three times in this paragraph James warns us the faith without works is dead. (James 2:17, 20, 26)

Demonic Faith

  • James decides to shock his complacent readers, so he used demons as his illustration. In recent years, the church has discovered the reality and activity of demons. When Jesus was ministering on earth, He often cast out demons and He gave that power to His disciples as well. Paul often confronted demonic forces in his ministry, and in Ephesians 6:10-20, he admonished the early Christians to claim God’s protection and defeat the spiritual force of wickedness.

  • It comes as a shock to people that demons have faith! What do they believe? For one thing,

    • They believe in the existence of God; o They are neither atheists nor agnostics.

    • They also believe in the deity of Christ.

    • Whenever they met Christ when He was on earth, they bore witness to His sonship (Mark 3:11-12)

    • They believe in the existence of a place of punishment (Luke 8:31)

    • They recognize Jesus Christ as the Judge (Mark 5:1-13)

    • They submit to the power of His Word.

• “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord!” (Deuteronomy 6:4) This was the daily affirmation of faith of the godly Jew. “You believe that there is one God? Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder (James 2:19). The person with dead faith was touched only in his intellect, but the demons are touched also in their emotions. They believe and tremble.

• How can a person show his faith without works? Can a dead sinner perform good works? Impossible! When you trust Christ, you are “created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that you should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) Faith that is barren is not saving faith.

• James has introduced us to two kinds of faith that cannot save the sinner: dead faith (the intellect alone), and demonic faith (intellect and emotions). He closes this section by describing the only kind of faith that can save the sinner – dynamic faith.

Dynamic Faith (James 2:20-26)

  • Dynamic faith is faith that is real, faith that has power, faith that results in changed life.

  • James described this true saving faith. To begin with, dynamic saving faith is based on the Word of God. We receive our spiritual rebirth through God’s Word (James 1:18). We receive the Word, and this saves us (James 1:21). “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) James used Abraham and Rahab as illustrations of dynamic saving faith, since both heard and received the message of God through His word.

  • Faith is only as good as its object. The man in the jungle bows before an idol of stone and trusts it to help him, but he receives no help. No matter how much faith a person is able to generate, if it is not directed at the right object, it will accomplish nothing.

  • Dynamic faith is based on God’s Word, and it involves the whole man. Dead faith touches only the intellect. Demonic faith involves both the mind and the emotions; but dynamic faith involves the will. The whole person plays a part in true saving faith. The mind understands the truth, the heart desires the truth, and the will acts upon the truth. The men and women of faith named in Hebrews 11 were people of action: God spoke and they obeyed.

  • Again, faith is not believing in spite of evidence; faith is obeying in spite of consequence.


  1. Was there a time when I honestly realized I was a sinner and admitted this to myself and to God?

  2. Was there a time when my heart stirred me to flee from the wrath to come? Have I ever been alarmed over my sins?

  3. Do I truly understand the gospel, that Christ died for my sins and rose again? Do I understand and confess that I cannot save myself?

  4. Did I repent of my sins and turn from them? Or do I secretly love sin and want to enjoy it?

  5. Have I trusted Christ and Christ alone for my salvation? Do I enjoy a living relationship with Him through the Word and in the Spirit?

  6. Has there been a change in my life? Do I maintain good works, or are my works occasional and weak? Do I seek to grow in the things of the Lord? Can others tell that I have been with Jesus?

  7. Do I have a desire to share Christ with others? Or am I ashamed of Him?

  8. Do I enjoy the fellowship of God’s people? Is worship a delight to me?

  9. Am I ready for the Lord’s return? Or will I be ashamed when He comes for me?


Images of Endurance