The Weight of Expectation

Although most get into sports because they believe they can make a difference on the team, it seems the drive to succeed is never exhausted and the expectations others have upon you can be a load that, at some points, can be sufficating.

We all have a deep and unquenchable desire to be appreciated by others for what we do and for the abilities that we bring to the table. When it becomes evident that I am not meeting the expectations of the mass or even a few, depression and gloom can often set in and make for mental thinking that leads to depression and loss of sleep.

If you have been in this state of mind in the past or perhaps feel that load stress at the present, what can you implement as strategies to fend off the negativity?

  1. Audience of One

    • Remember that at the end of the day, you are only called to do what is right. Perhaps you will not win the championship and perhaps the wheels just fell off the train, but you will be remembered more for your integrity than your wins and losses. Keep your eyes on Jesus because he does not judge upon wins and losses.

  2. Be Faithful

    • Don’t be a quitter. Fulfill the duties that are expected of you. In fact, no matter what position you find yourself in, always go above and beyond and do things the right way. You will never regret this decision.

  3. Care

    • Even when others don’t seem like they deserve to be cared for, care for them anyway. Some people are just disgruntled and like to make mayhem for others, but show them care, even when it is the most difficult decision you can make.


Images of Endurance